During Spring Break 2014, I volunteered in beautiful (but cold!) Madison, Wisconsin at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research (WCFTR). I processed hundreds of movie posters from the 1940s – 1980s collected by a defunct UW student group that used to show movies on campus. I unfolded each poster, checked its condition, checked against the database to see if we already had it, and created a new record for the poster if not. I learned all about NSS numbers and how to conduct poster research. As a long time movie fan, it was fantastic to see all the different titles, and as a graphic design fan, I fell in love with every piece of hand-drawn typography. Big thanks to Mary Huelsbeck and Maxine Fleckner Ducey for bringing me aboard!
- An unfolded Gene Kelly movie poster from 1957
- My workspace in the archives with boxes and boxes of posters!
- Refoldering already-unfolded posters (say that three times fast!)